Two Trends In American Printer Point to Strong Role for Traditional Advertising and Print
American Printer is one of our favorite trade publications here at ColorFX — an industry brand recently revived after a 130-year history! On their website are two recent articles which, taken together, point to the strong role that traditional print still has in advertising and forming public opinions. In the first of these, a report from Barnes & Noble College Marketing is cited, which said that among college students, social media and the Internet are still less persuasive than “traditional” styles of advertising — word of mouth, and even TV advertising. The second was a study from the Association of Magazine Media, which found that people in this same generation — 18 – to – 34 — still consider magazines credible sources of information, and upwards of 95% of those say they still read printed titles. Print-in-hand still provides certain comforts that other media cannot. We’re in the midst of back-to-school season now, and are ready to help you take care of all your customers’ print needs. Drop us a line anytime at