Your Order

How can I cancel my order?

Due to our company procedures, you may only cancel an order without incurring additional fees prior to the approval of the artwork. Next Day orders cannot be cancelled. All requests for cancellations after a PDF proof, Hard Copy proof, or the approval of the artwork are subject to a cancellation fee based on order size.

Why am I not getting automatic email updates?

Your order status and automatic updates are sent to the email address provided during the order placement. It is the customer’s responsibility to check their My Space page or contact the customer service department by calling 1-877-763-7671 x103/113, email or using our Live Chat.

What if I found a mistake in the artwork?

If you’ve found the mistake after the approval stage, we cannot place a hold on the job. As a customer, you are responsible for the accuracy of your artwork. We encourage you to carefully inspect the positioning, copy, and design elements of your art files before submitting them to us. Ordering a PDF or Hard Copy Proof will allow you to check for errors prior to production.

How can I check the status of my order?

Your order status will be e-mailed to you in the following stages:

  1.     After successful placement of order online
  2.     After checking your files by our prepress department
  3.     After completion & finishing of your job

You can also check the status of your order by contacting our Customer Service Representatives using our Live Chat 8:30 am – 5:00 pm PST or by visiting the My Space page on our website.