Tag: custom print company

Why You Need Business Cards

businesscardsCalling cards from centuries past, which were used to announce visitors, evolved into business cards. A quick and easy way to communicate and advertise yourself and your company is to hand out a business card. There are many choices of color, font, and design that can be used to create just the right business card that will drive prospective customers to your business. Continue Reading…

How to Choose Your Product Size and Quantity

cfxinstantpricerColorFX is the only print company in the industry offering you a chance to choose a custom size and quantity for any product you wish to order and, at the same time, save money.

3 easy steps for choosing size and quantity:

1. Select your product by going to the left-hand sidebar of the ColorFX home page and clicking on the product. An instant pricing calculator box will appear on your screen. Continue Reading…