File Preparation and Troubleshooting

Do you accept Publisher or Word Document files?

We do not accept native Publisher or Word Document files. However, you can convert your Publisher or Word files to PDF using a FREE third-party software such as PrimoPDF.

What is safe area?

Safe area is the 1/8” margin that we require between the trim line and the text closest to the trim line.

Get a Product Template to start your design with these guidelines.

Bleed Safe Area - BleedBleed Safe Area - No Bleed

Do I need to use a product template?

We encourage you to use our templates as this may prevent delays in processing your files. These templates include guidelines for bleed and safe area.

Download a Product Template to start your design with helpful guidelines.

Why should I convert my text to outlines?

Converting your text to outlines is the most effective way to ensure your typefaces look exactly as you designed them. Once text has been converted to outlines, it can no longer be typeset like standard text layers, so be sure to save your source files accordingly.