Tag: glossy

Club Cards the Event Promoters Best Friend

As an evclub_cardent promoter you must rely heavily on printing flyers and getting it in the hands of the appropriate people who may attend your events. Flyers are great for massive distribution to spread the word across fast.  However, the club card, the event flyers counterpart, can be used for a slightly different purpose.  As an event promoter you probably already understand that part of your job is to keep your relationship personable. Many people who attend your event love to attend events that not only interest them but also ones they feel they have a personal connection to.  As an event promoter it is your job to build that connection by talking to people on a personal level and “hype” your event.  The printed club card can solidify that relationship by adding a personal flair.  It is very simple to hand out and also small enough for people to keep in their wallets.

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