Archive for Month: September 2013

Resources & Technology


Resources & Technology

In the wholesale printing trade, to become competitive in the quality and pricing arenas is not a destination one finally arrives at. It is an ongoing and constantly changing process that leaves anyone that is standing still in the dust. Resources are the many relationships, allies and assets acquired over years of doing business while technology actually refers to the advancements in equipment and procedures that change as rapidly in printing as rapidly as in any other high tech activity. It’s not enough to wait and see if new technology provides an edge over competitors and then incorporate it oneself. It’s the philosophy of staying out front that leads to research, investigation and staying in touch with upcoming advancements which allows one to be out front and stay there as worthwhile new technology comes into the marketplace. At ColorFX we learned long ago that the only place we intend to be in the race for superior technology is in front of others; our quality and speed of service prove just that.

ColorFX now proudly features the Xerox iGen4 Variable Digital Printing System

Experience & Quality


Experience & Quality

Experience  noun – 1: knowledge or practical wisdom gained from what one has personally observed or participated in over time.

Quality  verb – 1: having characteristics of a superior nature with respect to excellence

At ColorFX we intend to provide the highest quality available in the marketplace. We always have. The experience we have accumulated over decades is what allows us to follow through on our claims of a superior result. Personal involvement by ownership and management in every aspect of our activities contributes to our unique and rewarding style of doing business. Our experience along with our philosophy of doing business equals the kind of quality that will distinguish you among your customers.

Shipping and Tracking


Shipping and Tracking

Shipping  noun – 1: the act of a person or business to prepare products for shipment and then turning them over to various shippers.

Tracking  verb – 1: to monitor and keep track of the progress of a shipment towards it’s destination.

At ColorFX the job is not over until its over. That means we apply the same attention to detail and the same passion for quality control to this last-but-not-least step known as shipping and tracking. The quality of packaging materials and the skill of those preparing each shipment plays a big role in how your customers perceive their print job when it arrives. Once it leaves our hands we still want to know it arrived at the right destination and on time. We have perfected our role with each and every carrier and want you to know that we take your ultimate satisfaction and your customer’s satisfaction as seriously as you do, right to the end.  Continue Reading…

Direct Mail Services

Direct Mail Services

Direct Mail Services

During our fifteen-plus years’ experience in the printing business, we at ColorFX have learned the value of offering a wide variety of high-quality services that keep pace with contemporary trends in the industry. With that in mind, we have begun to provide clients with graphic design services appropriate for online printing. We can work with you to create a suitable design that can be printed from the Internet—it’s fast, inexpensive, and convenient. This is just one more reason why ColorFX is the preeminent wholesale printing company in the nation today.  Continue Reading…