Tag: business card calendar template

The impact of a business card as a marketing tool & five essentials about them

Business cards are one of the most cost-effective marketing tools there is. They are inexpensive, easy to carry and simple to hand to your clients.

However, your business card needs to leave a lasting impression in your client’s mind. They should also tell people about who you are and what you do. They should be a reflections of who you are. Business cards should include Important information such as, where to find your business, website, social media links, and any contact info.

Here are five important pieces of information that should be included on your business card:

  1. Logo
  2. Business Name with tagline if possible
  3. Contact information with phone number, email address, physical address etc
  4. Website information
  5. Social media and the handler

For more information about high quality business card printing, please contact Colorfxweb.com for more info or call 877-763-7671.




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